This year, BourneOut are pleased to announce that the parade will take place on the road from the Eastbourne pier to Princes park.
The theme for the parade is Flower Power and the 1960’s to celebrate 50 years of the Stonewall Organization. For more info on the Stonewall Organization visit
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in with the parade either as a walking group, float, business or individual. Costumes and colour are absolutely encouraged regardless of theme.
If you are a larger group, business or wish to enter a float for the parade, please contact us for a parade entry form. The advertising of your business is permitted. Please also request an entry form if you wish to play music or instruments. This is purely so we can ensure that you are spaced far enough apart to avoid noise clash. Forms can be obtained from Smaller groups, families and friends are able to simply turn up and join in the parade. All participants should be assembled by the Pier by 11:30am